Body Scanning
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Does the UK wardrobe department require your lead actor’s body before they get there, do you need an object scanned for the VFX department, do you need a character scanned for a background sculpture, want an actor scanned to add to your computer game, do you have an existing sculpture that you want digitised?
New scanning equipment means John Cox’s Creature Workshop is now a One Stop Body Shop.
Thanks to a Screen Queensland Enterprise Grant we have invested in a state of the art, Digital Scanner that allows us to scan people in house or on location.
Since 2014, when we used our 5 axis router to machine a scan of an elderly woman for the makeup effects artists on Kennedy Miller’s ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’, we’ve gone on to cut out nearly 100 bodies for film, TV, and art works.
Previously the actors were scanned overseas or interstate, now we can provide that service at our facility here on the Gold Coast, plus it’s portable. We currently cut out foam copies of actors for the Props, Wardrobe, Visual Effects, SFX, Construction and MakeUp departments for Film productions, as well as figures for a number of bronze artists.
It also means we have upgraded our capacity to scan maquettes, bones, car parts, you name it – we can scan it! The Screen Queensland Enterprise Grant allows us to expand the services we offer and to expand our clientele. We are one of eleven Queensland-based screen businesses that have been awarded a share of just under $1 million in Screen Queensland support, to allow them to pivot and diversify through the challenges and opportunities presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Contact us to discuss how we can assist you.