Julie’s Pick @ GCFF
November 18, 2011/Last Updated November 18, 2011
Here is a list of films that I am attending at this year’s GC Film Festival.
The full program can be downloaded at www.gcfilmfestival.com/page/33/Program_Outline
I found it easiest to Download the Program pdf and review the films whist having the https://www.gcfilmfestival.com/page/6/Schedule page open to check times.
19Nov SAT 6pm Flash Mob @ ‘Surf’s Up’ at Southport Broadwater Parkland
21Nov MON 7.15p OPENING NIGHT ‘Let the Bullets Fly’ China
24Nov THURS 7.30p ‘Flytrap’ USA
25Nov FRI 1.30-3.30p ‘Japanese Anime’ Seminars at Robina Community Center
3p ‘My America’ AUS/USA
7p ‘Children Who Chase Voices from Deep Below’ Japan
26Nov SAT 10.15a – 12.30p Seminars
2.30p ‘The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec’ France
4.30 ‘Lope’ Spain/Brazil
8.15 ‘Super’ USA (JOHN)
8.45p ‘Age of Love’ Italy (JULIE)
27Nov SUN 7.30 ‘Attack of the Block’ England
And more………….
The 2 films on TUES look fantastic as well.
There are films from Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Korea….
as well as locally made films where cast, crew & loads of supports will be attending – join in the fun! There are other wonderful seminars and films so check them all out.